Dr. Abdullahi Umar Ganduje and his administration had shown courage in the execution of development projects across kano state, and had reached out to all with a view to making all the people of kano state contribute their quota.
Abdullahi Ganduje implement laudable, achievable policies and programme progress is his horizon, Peace has been his ideology.
The philosophy of governor Abdullahi Ganduje (Khadimul Islam) administration is crystal clear, (prudence and transparency).
Ganduje stands on a high moral ground With an impeccable record in public service.
His simplicity, integrity and sincerity were necessary building blocks that he is using to nurture kano state into a modern state.
Ganduje has the quality to improve the welfare of kano people.
Ganduje has not been rallying factor in the political equation of kano state, but also a man with high vision, who is interested in the development of his people.
It’s Necessary for the people of kano state to allow Ganduje another term so that he can continue with the good work he has been doing.
If Governor Abdullahi Ganduje voted for the second term 2019, he would be just and fair to all manner of people without fear or favour, and he will be governor for all.
The timing and speed with which he completed some vital and carefully selected ongoing, abandoned and newly developmental projects within three years was surprising.
There are those who don’t know Ganduje very well, they described him as slow and weak , but his action proved that he was stronger than he appeared to be.
His action has silenced many of his critics either out of conviction or admiration.
Ganduje has systematically started correcting the mistakes made by his predecessor, assured the good people of kano state through action that he is governor for all.
The good citizens of kano state knew Ganduje as an Educationist, Psychologist and Administrator by qualification and practice, has been in the business of purpose management of resources with utmost trustworthiness in vital spheres of the economy of for time long enough to shoot him high-up to attract the attention and admiration of the previous government of kano state and Nigeria to appointed him and served in different capacity.
Ganduje bubbling with high promise and unfaltering determination for qualitative and purposeful service delivery according to the needs and aspiration of kano state within the federation of Nigeria, discharging his duties and responsibility with the vibrancy of the age that he is, and the wisdom of the aged, to when he has been loyal and obedient, in the sphere of politics and good governance while discharging his duties and responsibilities in the deputy governor and commissioner for local government capacity, he carved an enviable niche for himself as a transparent, prudent, humble and obedient public servant to his boss and superior in the various Fields of managing human affairs in addition to possessing sincerity of purpose.
This afforded him the opportunity to be properly schooled in sense and craft of managing public affairs in the governorship capacity.
Ganduje become so properly school in the practice of leadership and good governance that he stood clearly out among all his peers.
Ganduje has been a loyal , delight, resourceful and brilliant deputy governor to the former governor Rabiu Kwankwaso creating a situation of exceptionally harmonious working relationship usually obtain between governors and their deputies in any state of the federation.
To every dispassionate kano citizens and every other alike, Abdullahi Ganduje, has acquired all the required qualities and experience to give kano state, with the exception promise to do the utmost satisfaction of every section in the state.
The governor proved that he is a promise keeper , by fulfilling his promises.
But the people of kano state should know that the most important criteria for leadership is not genes, but governance.
And pedigree is a supplementary criterion and not a very important one either.
As it’s used to be pointed out before the 2019 general election, Abdullahi Ganduje was the choice of the majority of the citizens of kano state and other resident alike.
And we have to accept the fact throughout his campaign for Governorship 2019.
Ganduje always welcome rational criticism which is a human being, so he is liable to make mistakes and therefore, accept advice which should be given to him according to certain rules.
His doors are open for any citizen to point out his short comings and comments of the subjects by their rulers encouraged by the holy Qur’an and teaching of the holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH). By Cmrd Musa Mohammed

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