Give free medical care for pregnant women.Hon: Dan- Abba

By: Muh’d Rabo Aliyu Bureau-chief Abuja

The House of Representatives has urged the Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to mandate public healthcare institutions to provide free medical treatment for pregnant women during and after delivery.

This followed the adoption of a motion by Hon. Dan Abba Shehu, PDP-Bauchi, at plenary on Wednesday.

The House also urged the ministry of Health to implement routine checks to ensure continuity, compliance by medical personnel, and sustainability of childbirth processes.

Moving the motion, Hon Dan Abba said the government established public healthcare institutions to provide medical services to humanity.

He added that drugs were supplied to the institutions which are equipped with modern medical facilities and charged with the responsibility of handling healthcare-related matters.

Shehu said though healthcare services were not restricted to pregnant women, efforts to encourage free treatment for expectant mothers have not been fully realised.

He said that given the fertility statistics in the country, there was a need for free medical treatment for pregnant women to boost the country’s fertility rate.

“Nigeria is grappling with high disease rates resulting in an annual maternal mortality rate of expectant mothers and children due to pregnancy complications and the polio virus.

“Further aware that the government requires public healthcare institutions to have medical professionals, give adequate attention to patients, including pregnant women, during childbirth to address complications and find permanent solutions”. He said.

In his ruling, the Deputy Speaker, Rep. Benjamin Kalu, mandated the Committee on Healthcare Services and Healthcare Institutions to liaise with the Minister of Health and Social Welfare to ensure compliance.

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